Secret Squirrel Productions Terms & Conditions
By purchasing tickets you indicate that you have read, understood and accepted these conditions.
COVID-Safe practices and contact tracing requirements
SSP will take reasonable measures to keep everyone in the venue safe, however, there is still a risk of transmission of COVID-19. Therefore, by entering the performance space, you and your party acknowledge and accept this risk.
Conditions of Entry: In line with our standard conditions of entry, SSP will enforce additional health and safety measures to ensure visitor welfare and provide a safe and secure venue.
Please note that these additional conditions of entry apply to all entrants (including visitors, customers, contractors and employees) attending the venue and are subject to change without notice and at the discretion of SSP. SSP retains the right to refuse entry to any visitors who refuse to adhere to health and safety measures. A copy of these conditions will be on display at each entry point to the venue.
Entry screening
In the last 14 days you have travelled from overseas or a coronavirus (COVID -19) hotspot.
You have been in close contact with a person who is diagnosed as coronavirus (COVID-19) positive.
You are an active coronavirus (COVID-19) case.
You have any of the following symptoms, however mild: fever, chills or sweats, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, runny nose, and loss of sense of smell or taste. Get tested and self isolate at home until you receive your test results.
All visitors must individually check in via the Victorian Government QR Code upon entry to the venue for the purposes of contact tracing. If you are unable to use this system please alert staff who can assist you with manually collecting your contact details.
In the event that the Department of Health or other Government Department makes a formal request, we may be required to disclose your personal information for contact tracing purposes. By entering/buying a ticket, you are providing us with your permission to do so. This data is collected, stored and protected for 28 days, when SSP no longer requires personal information, we securely destroy this information and delete it from our system.
All venue visitors may be requested to undergo temperature checks and hand sanitisation upon entry to the venue.
All staff, patrons and visitors will be required to follow physical distancing guidelines. This includes queuing where indicated, keeping 1.5 metres apart from those not in your party, and following staff instructions. If you witness any behaviour by other patrons and visitors that does not comply with SSP or government mandated guidelines please alert a staff member.
SSP encourages that all visitors, customers, suppliers, contractors and employees download the Australian Government’s COVIDSafe app to enhance contact tracing while at the venue and beyond.
Visitors will need to wear a face mask in accordance with the current directives from the Chief Health Officer Direction and advice may change over time, please read the latest on the Department of Health and Human Services website.
SSP reserves the right to refuse entry to any persons who are disorderly, or display unlawful or offensive behaviour. Any person who causes a disturbance may be removed from the venue.
By entering the venue, you agree to abide by the new health and safety measures outlined in the SSP CovidSafe Plan, available at www.undergroundcinema.com.au This can include, but is not limited to, physical distancing, temperature screenings, sanitisation and restricted public access. Failure to comply with these measures may result in removal from the event & venue.
SSP appreciates your compliance and understanding to ensure the welfare and safety of all visitors, customers, employees, suppliers and contractors. All SSP / UGC events will adhere to the maximum permitted capacity of each venue under the COVID-19 VIC State Government guidelines applicable to the venue and current at that time.
Ticket exchanges or refunds information:
All refund requests must be made in written format via info@undergroundcinema.com, medical documentation may be requested.
If you believe you are entitled to a refund you should apply within three days after the event’s scheduled commencement. If you do not seek a refund within a reasonable timeframe we may not provide you with the requested refund.
Any refund payable will be made to the original purchaser, and when practical to the original form of payment used to purchase the ticket.
We will not be responsible for any expenses incurred or to be incurred by you, for example travel, car parking, child care, accommodation or other goods or services, even if the event is cancelled. You should consider whether insurance is appropriate for your circumstances.
Refunds or exchanges will be offered for the following circumstances:
A ticket holder is required to self-isolate or quarantine (and the event falls within the isolation/quarantine period) due to:
being a confirmed case of COVID-19; or
having close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19; or
living in or having been in a high risk area within Australia; or
been directed by the Department of Health or other authority to quarantine/self isolate for any other reason
A ticket holder has COVID-19 symptoms, has been tested for COVID-19 and is awaiting test results in self isolation (and the event falls within the period of awaiting test results). Proof regarding testing will be required in this instance
A ticket holder attends the performance and subsequently leaves part way through due to feeling unwell with COVID-19 symptoms, provided they notify a staff member for reasons of departure and get a COVID-19 test at the first possible instance. Proof regarding testing will be required in this instance
SSP reserves the right to deny exchanges or refunds based on the following circumstances:
A ticket holder is well and does not wish to attend an event due to fears of exposure to COVID19; or
A ticket holder is unwell and does not attend an event (other than due to COVID-19 illness or symptoms); or
A ticket holder is from a group at a higher risk of COVID-19; or
A ticket holder is denied entry into the event for reasons which were disclosed to the ticket holder in the ticket terms and conditions at the time of sale. For example, these reasons may include (but not be limited to) non-compliance with mandatory mask wearing or unwillingness to provide personal contact information when requested; or
If a member of a group booking cannot attend due to COVID-19 symptoms or illness, refunds will not be extended to the other members of the group booking if they are not unwell.
A ticket holder has returned from overseas within the last 14 days and is required to isolate
General Terms and Conditions Underground Cinema (Secret Squirrel Productions Pty Ltd)
By purchasing tickets you indicate that you have read, understood and accepted these conditions.
1.1 Underground Cinema (UGC) reserves the right to add, withdraw, reschedule or substitute entertainment titles and to vary the advertised prices, seating arrangements or audience capacity without notice.
1.2 If the location is a secret, UGC will reveal the location of the event a minimum of 24 hours prior to the first show via the UGC website, Facebook event page and via email and SMS to the contact information provided at the time of ticket purchase.
1.3 Iwannaticket (Fringe Innovations Pty Ltd) is the only authorised ticket seller for SSP events, unless we specify on our website that there are other authorised ticket sellers for a specific event. We strongly recommend you only purchase tickets from an authorised ticket seller.
1.4 If you purchase tickets from another source, such as Ticketmaster Resale, Viagogo, Ticketbis, eBay, Gumtree, Tickets Australia or any other unauthorised reseller, you risk that these tickets are fake, void or have previously been cancelled. Purchasing tickets from an unauthorised ticket seller means that we cannot refund you if an event is cancelled, and we cannot inform you of important changes to event times, parking arrangements, and production details.
2.1 This is a strictly 18+ event. Proof of age identification must be presented before entry is granted. Persons without proof of age identification will not be allowed to enter and will not be subject to a refund.
2.2 Cancellation of the event is at the discretion of UGC management and can be made prior to or during an event.
2.3 UGC reserves the right to refuse entry to the venue. Unless otherwise specified, seating is non-reserved and at the discretion of UGC staff and management.
2.4 UGC has a strict no BYO drinks and no BYO food policy on the event site. Bags may be inspected, and if found, these items will be confiscated.
2.5 Upon purchasing a ticket to UGC the purchaser agrees to be bound by the rules and regulations of the Liquor License that applies to the event site.
2.6 UGC reserves the right to eject any person who is intoxicated and/or causing a disturbance to other patrons. Such person/s will not be entitled to a refund or exchange of tickets.
2.7 UGC does not guarantee entry to person/s who have been booked for a specific session, including complimentary tickets.
2.8 By entering the event site you agree to being filmed or photographed which may be used for marketing or promotional purposes.
2.9 UGC is an all-weather event. Dress accordingly. You may be notified to bring warm clothes, a blanket or rain protection as needed depending on venue.
2.10 The use of illicit substances is prohibited. SSP has a zero-tolerance policy towards the use and possession of illicit drugs. Patrons found with illicit drugs will be refused entry, have their tickets cancelled and be referred to police.
2.11 UGC reserves the right to implement a ‘no pass outs’ policy for events, meaning once you leave the designated performance area you may not be able to re-enter
2.12 You must switch your mobile phone to silent while in a theatre or performance space.
2.13 Refrain from:
bringing animals onto the premises, except for Guide Dogs and other registered assistance dogs, and
smoking (including the use of e-cigarettes)
3.1 Tickets are sold on a strictly no refund basis. Please see full SSP terms and conditions. We reserve the right not to provide a refund: if, despite our reasonable diligence, the cause was outside our control. It is your responsibility to carefully review the event and date selection details prior to purchasing a ticket. A change in circumstance does not entitle a ticket holder to the return or exchange of a ticket.
3.2 There are no refunds for the following: dissatisfaction with the length of the event, venue location, movie choice, technical quality, experience design and expectation of guests.
3.3 In the event of a cancelled event, you may be offered a refund of the face value of the ticket, excluding booking fee, or your ticket may be made valid to a re- scheduled event, or a credit note provided for the remaining season.
3.4 In the event of a postponed event, you may be offered a refund as above (3.3), or your ticket may be made valid to a re- scheduled event, or a credit note provided for the remaining season.
3.5 Cancelled event tickets will be refunded within 90 days of when the event was due to take place.
3.6 UGC and our partner venues reserve the right to refuse admission and in such an event will not refund any admission fee paid.
4.1 We collect your personal information when you subscribe to UGC or when you enter essential booking information for an event. We will only collect personal information from you by lawful and fair means.
4.2 Your information will be used by UGC to facilitate your experience and to promote future Underground Cinema/Secret Squirrel Production experiences to you via email and/or SMS. You do have the option to unsubscribe from emails by selecting the “Unsubscribe' button which can be found at the bottom of all marketing related emails.
5.1 All prices are inclusive of GST and in Australian dollars.
6.1 We accept Mastercard and VISA. Your card will be charged by our ticketing partner, Iwannaticket (Fringe Innovations Pty Ltd) within 24 hours of purchasing your ticket.
7.1 SSP will not be responsible or liable for any loss, damage or injury to the extent arising from your negligent acts or omissions, any pre-existing medical condition, your breach of these terms and conditions, or your reliance on reviews and opinions about events and performers.
7.2 You should make your own further inquiries before deciding whether an event is suitable.
7.3 You are responsible for your personal possessions such as bags, mobile phones and other items you carry with you.
7.4 The Australian Consumer Law provides certain statutory guarantees for consumers which cannot be excluded, for example that services will be provided with due care and skill. Nothing in these General Terms and Conditions modifies or excludes those guarantees.