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Feast of the


Feast of the Deceiver is a provocative, intimate, immersive dining experience, which fuses intelligent game theory and live performance over a sumptuous feast and flowing wine. 


A raw and multi-sensory experience, Initiates engage in ruthless game play in a pure match of wills and persuasion; striving to dine with the powerful privileged, not giving a second thought to those left behind.

Start as Inititiate. Become Alumni. Feast of the Deceiver is not for the faint of heart.

The Black Hall will rise again soon...

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“It was an epic evening, and one that didn’t disappoint. We would recommend this experience to all…”

- Vantage Melbourne


Photo Credit: Daniel Bilsborough




The Black Hall Lounge is exclusive to Alumni only. Entry can only gained once a soul has been initiated through Feast of the Deceiver.


The Lounge rises and falls with the Black Hall, and can be indulged during these brief and unexpected moments in time, anywhere in the world. 

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